14 Tips for Getting Kids to Sleep at Night

14 Tips for Getting Kids to Sleep at Night

Do you find yourself struggling with getting your kids to sleep at night? The bedtime battle can be all too real! Even if you’ve made mistakes that hindered your children from getting their best sleep, it’s never too late to make positive changes. With some effort, you can still establish a consistent bedtime routine and help your kids sleep through the night. Remember, consistency is the cornerstone of success in getting your kids to sleep.

How many hours of sleep should children get according to their age?

Understanding how much sleep children need varies with age. According to the Sleep Foundation, here’s the recommended breakdown:

  • Newborns: 16-18 hours
  • Infants (4-11 months): 12-16 hours
  • Toddlers: 11-14 hours
  • Preschoolers: 10-13 hours
  • Elementary school age: 9-12 hours

These guidelines can help ensure that children get the sleep needed for healthy growth and development at each stage of their childhood.

Tips for Getting Kids to Sleep

What are the advantages to children getting a good night’s rest?

When children are well-rested, they are more likely to cooperate with you, their teachers, and caregivers. Just like us adults, when we lack sleep, we tend to be irritable, less patient, more impulsive, and find it hard to focus.  Here are just a few reasons why getting children to sleep well is crucial to their childhood development:

  • Improved Cognitive Function: A well-rested child is better able to concentrate, solve problems, and learn and retain new information.
  • Emotional Regulation: Children who sleep well can better regulate their emotions, reducing irritability and tantrums.
  • Enhanced Immune System: A good night’s sleep strengthens the immune system, helping children fight off illnesses more effectively.
  • Better Behavior and Social Skills: Children who sleep well tend to have better behavior and improved social interactions.
  • Overall Well-Being: Adequate sleep helps a child’s overall well-being, so they are happier, more resilient, and have a positive outlook on life.

14 Tips For Getting Kids to Sleep at Night

  • During the day, make sure your child is getting enough exercise. In our family, we insist on our children going outside after school if the weather is nice.  (Sometimes, this backfires when the ice cream truck rolls around!).  Or, depending upon the season, our children go to an activity like gymnastics, soccer, cross country, or T-Ball. 
  • During free time, be sure your young children are not exposed to anything they may consider scary, especially before bedtime. Exposure to scary content can cause anxiety or even nightmares. Be mindful of anything you are watching or listening to that your children may be paying attention to, as well.  If you enjoy something on the creepy side in the evenings, such as true crime podcasts, wait until after your child goes to bed before indulging. 
  • If your living room lights have dimmers, start dimming the lights at least 1 hour before their bedtime. Make this a part of your evening routine. For example, I start dimming the lights just a little after dinner and continue to do so until bedtime. This small action sets the stage for getting kids to sleep at night.

Invest in your child's sleep

  • Although it can be expensive, invest in a good mattress for your child. My daughter started sleeping much better at night once we switched her mattress. Although she never mentioned it, we found out it was “noisy” when she moved and it kept her awake at night. She had never complained before but she noticed the difference once we gave her a “quieter” mattress. If we had known, we all could have been getting a better night’s sleep much sooner!
  • Purchase a sound machine for babies. Many people invest in a sound spa for their infants, but it’s also beneficial for older children.  Falling asleep to the sound of a creek, rain, or crickets chirping is soothing for almost anyone. 
  • As part of your child’s room décor, buy black-out curtains. Blocking out any unnecessary light is crucial for helping your child get the sleep they need.
Tips for Getting Child to Sleep

Give your child time to wind down

  • As part of your child’s evening routine, decrease screen time at least 2 hours before bed. For example, our household has no television, tablets, or video games after dinner. In our experience, eliminating screens before bed is key to getting kids to sleep at night. 
  • Instead of screen time, have your child do something that’s relatively “boring.” Most of us are overstimulated during the day, so taking our stimulation down a notch before bed can do wonders. Play Candy Land or Shoots and Ladders with your children before the bedtime routine begins so your child automatically starts to wind down. 
  • During their evening wind down, give your child a bath with lavender scented bubbles within 1 hour of their bedtime. Soaking for even a few minutes can help your child relax and fall asleep more quickly at night.

Bedtime Routine for Getting Kids to Sleep at Night

  • To help your child wind down, stick to a bedtime routine. For instance, have your child go to bed and wake up at the same time every day – even on the weekends.  In preparation for sleep, repeat the same bedtime routine each night, beginning at the same time each evening.  By having a regular routine each night, your child’s body will begin to automatically wind down at the appropriate time.
  • At night, make reading a part of your bedtime routine. During the bedtime routine, read to your child for at least 15-20 minutes.  For older children, have them read a book in bed while they wind down. Reading before bed is a wonderful habit to instill in your children from a young age. For more information on the benefits of reading to your child at night, check out my blog: The Bedtime Advantage: Why Reading to Your Child Matters.
  • Try a lavender pillow spray. We started using Dr. Teal’s Sleep Spray with our children, and there was a noticeable difference in how quickly they fell asleep.  
  • No roughhousing right before bed. Don’t worry, I have to remind my husband NOT TO WIND THE CHILDREN UP BEFORE BED, too. 
  • At the end of the bedtime routine, have the children listen to a soothing bedtime story or song, such as Mrs. Honeybee Bedtime Stories or Close Your Eyes Sleepy Paws. Or alternatively, use a meditation app, such as the Calm App, to help them on their journey to dreamland. 

Getting kids to sleep is a difficult part of parenthood. Remember, you’re not alone facing bedtime challenges with your children. Countless other parents are having the same struggles as you getting their kids to sleep at night, too. By implementing the techniques suggested here, you’re taking proactive steps toward finding what works best for your family. Keep experimenting, stay patient, and trust that with time and persistence, you’ll discover effective strategies to help your children achieve a restful night’s sleep.


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